Satan, Serpent, Accuser, Deceiver, Destroyer, Ruler of the world came to Steal, Kill and Destroy By attacking Mind, Body, Will, Heart and Conscience through Lies, Suffering, Pride and Accusations to make us Ignorant, Independent, impatient with God's Will for our life.
JESUS CHRIST Advocate, redeemer came to bring Healing, Wholeness and Deliverance to set us FREE
HOLY SPIRIT gives Grace, Power, and Wisdom (to) Surrender to God and Resist the Devil
- Get out of Bed
- Pray
- Read the bible to present your mind to God "As a man think so is he"
- Put on the Spiritual Armour of God
- Sacraments: Confession and Eucharist (Communion and adoration) as often as possible
Ephesians 6:10-18
- The Girdle of Truth
- The Breastplate of righteousness
- The Shoes of Peace
- The Shield of Faith
- The Helmet of Salvation
- The sword of the Spirit
Sacred Heart of Jesus I surrender to you today, my mind, body and will, so that I can do your perfect will for my life. Holy Spirit give me the grace to endure suffering, power to say no to temptation and wisdom to discern the lies of satan.
St Michael the archangel defend us in this Day of battle. Be our safe guard against the wickedness and snares of the devil. May God restrain him we humbly pray oh Prince of the Heavenly Host. By the power of God trust into hell satan and all the evil spirits who wander through this world seeking the ruin of souls.
Sacred Heart of Jesus have Mercy on us
Sacred Heart of Jesus have Mercy on us
Sacred Heart of Jesus have Mercy on us
Blessed Heart of Mary Pray for Us
St. Joseph Pray for Us
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