We are living in an age of great disobedience to God, His church and His will for us; and, as a result, we have become a DEN OF ROBBERS. Plundering the things in life that are meant to be sacred, to enjoy and protect. Look around, you don't have to look far to see the truth. The dissolution of the environment, family life, the dispensable nature of the unborn, the high rates of married couples getting divorced, the high rates of suicide, anxiety, and every type of mental, phyiscal, emotional disorder you can find.
The family which is the cornerstone of society is sloooooooowly being chipped away, because we are buying into the deception. The deception which has never changed since the beginning of time. God is still calling for Adam "Where are you?" Gen 3:9
Every time I enter a church and I see St. Joseph I go to him and brush his feet gently with my hand, then look at his face and wonder.
Who is this special man the Father has entrusted with His one and only Son. Who was first to adore the face of our Lord as he came forth from the womb of Mary. Who was the provider, guardian, and model for God's son? Who was this priestly husband and father that had such care and compassion for women? Who was swift to obey God's will for his life and walked thousands of miles for the sake of protecting God's son and Mary. Who is he?
The bible says, St Joseph is a righteous man, a man who was not afraid to take Mary as his wife when the angel of the Lord appeared to him in a dream. Who was not afraid to flee to Egypt and walk thousands of miles in the desert to protect his wife and son.
He is the epiphany of God's hope for men. St. Joseph is the earthly Father of our Church, he is the model of the priesthood and also a model of masculinity for all men . He is a man despite his fears triumphed for God the Father.
Then I light a candle and whisper with great HOPE in my heart saying:
St Joseph Oratory
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