Thursday, April 30, 2009

St. Joseph Model Saint for our Modern Times

There is not much recorded about St. Joseph, in the Holy Bible, but what little is told speaks tremendous volumes in regards to the life of this Saint, and how important He is in our modern times.

We are living in an age of great disobedience to God, His church and His will for us; and, as a result, we have become a DEN OF ROBBERS. Plundering the things in life that are meant to be sacred, to enjoy and protect. Look around, you don't have to look far to see the truth. The dissolution of the environment, family life, the dispensable nature of the unborn, the high rates of married couples getting divorced, the high rates of suicide, anxiety, and every type of mental, phyiscal, emotional disorder you can find.

The family which is the cornerstone of society is sloooooooowly being chipped away, because we are buying into the deception. The deception which has never changed since the beginning of time. God is still calling for Adam "Where are you?" Gen 3:9

Every time I enter a church and I see St. Joseph I go to him and brush his feet gently with my hand, then look at his face and wonder.

Who is this special man the Father has entrusted with His one and only Son. Who was first to adore the face of our Lord as he came forth from the womb of Mary. Who was the provider, guardian, and model for God's son? Who was this priestly husband and father that had such care and compassion for women? Who was swift to obey God's will for his life and walked thousands of miles for the sake of protecting God's son and Mary. Who is he?

The bible says, St Joseph is a righteous man, a man who was not afraid to take Mary as his wife when the angel of the Lord appeared to him in a dream. Who was not afraid to flee to Egypt and walk thousands of miles in the desert to protect his wife and son.

He is the epiphany of God's hope for men. St. Joseph is the earthly Father of our Church, he is the model of the priesthood and also a model of masculinity for all men . He is a man despite his fears triumphed for God the Father.

Then I light a candle and whisper with great HOPE in my heart saying:

St Joseph Oratory

Saturday, April 18, 2009


My Dear brothers and sisters. We are not saved by the works we do, BUT BY GOD'S UNMEASURABLE GRACE. The sacrifice he made on Calvary once and for ALL is what saves. Jesus Christ Loves you!!! and wants to bring you into that full knowledge of His Love. JESUS I TRUST IN YOU

When a person opens their heart to that "full knowledge" the work done, does not come from their own strength but from the outpouring of His Love which fills their hearts. Once we remain in Christ the outpouring never ceases and thus our hearts overflow. Then the work we do is not one of Ego, but a prayer of love which brings TRANSFORMATION .

John 10 vs 5
I am the vine and you are the branches. As long as you remain in me and I in you, you bear much fruit, but apart from me you can do nothing.
The Saints did the most ridiculous and incredulous things for God, Mother Theresa's Love for humanity was not by any means natural, it was the Supernatural love of her first love "Jesus Christ". All the Saints demonstrated that Supernatural love, but just to name a few of the most popular saints, we have, St. Francis of Assisi, The Apostle St. Paul, St. Claire, and St. Augustine. Once they discovered Jesus Christ, there was no sin, wealth, or suffering big enough that could keep them from HIM. They lived and died for that CRAZY LOVE and became coined "Fools for Christ." Yes, people would laugh, jeer, mock and even run from you. Do not be afraid.
........Psalm 27 "The Lord is my light and salvation whom shall I fear? The lord is the rampart of my life I will not be afraid." ......
Ask your heavenly father to forgive them for they know not what they do and LOVE THEM ANYWAY. Offer your sufferings for the reparation of souls who need God's grace. I meet people everyday in desperate need of His grace. People who do not know God, I am not merely talking about intellectual knowledge of God, I am talking about RELATIONAL KNOWLEDGE, THE INTIMACY THAT IS SHARED BETWEEN HUSBAND AND WIFE.
People need to know who they are in Christ and where they are going and that God has a plan and purpose for them. The rates of depression and suicide are astronomical because people have lost hope, please pray for yourselves and each other.
If you do not believe in God and are having doubts whether Jesus Christ died, rose from the dead and was resurrected and is seated at right hand of the FATHER, then I invite you to pray. Pray and ask for God's mercy and grace to fall upon you, like he did for St. Paul, St. Francis, St. Augustine, and for ME. He will do the same for you too........ "Ask and you shall receive, seek and you will find, knock and the door will be open. For all those who ask receive and those who seek find." Seek Him with all your heart.
Pray the Divine Mercy Chaplet Given to sister Faustina by our Lord Jesus Christ. There is no love greater than His, that He gave his LIFE for you. Sunday April 19th is Divine Mercy Sunday. Please pray for yourselves, co-workers, friends and loved ones because everyone is in need of God's Grace.
These are The Days of Elijah, prepare the way in your hearts for Jesus Christ. Recite the Divine Mercy Chaplet.
Please forward link to people who need this.
To Learn more about Divine Mercy, you can click on the following link:

John 3: 27 "No one can take on anything except
what has been given him from heaven

Saturday, April 4, 2009

How Deep Is Your LOVE?

At the early age of 7 years my parents introduced me to travel, and it was customary as a family we would take a vacation abroad once every other year. I remember this one year when I was 15 or 16 years old, Christmas was drawing nigh and my parents decided they were going to make a trip to Venezuela to do some shopping and they were taking me and leaving my older siblings at home.

Of course I felt so privileged to be just me with my parents, but then I found out they needed the extra luggage to bring back. I told myself hey, look on the bright side they still chose me. :-)

On arriving we stayed at a hotel, in Caracas, which coincidentally was next door to the Catholic archbishop's residence in Venezuela. My parents hired two young college students to be our interpreters and tour guides. The two young students, were very attractive Spanish men who would meet us in the morning in front of the hotel and take us around. My mom during her excursions would go for the practical stuff and my dad veered off for the electronics and car stuff. When my parents got separated I stayed with my mother, and would coax her into buying me a dress. The car stuff and electronics was not that enticing, but occasionally I would go off with my dad, because I knew I was his favorite, he was a lot of fun to be around, and he had the heart of the oldest kid I knew. ;-).

During the experience every now and then one of the guys every time my mother walked away in a flurry, he would tell me how beautiful I was and how much he wanted to Kiss my beautiful lips. At first I laughed it off. I thought how flattering, but he persisted, and every day that went on his persistence escalated to the point I went to a ladies bathroom turned around and there he was begging me to kiss him. I told him he was crazy and ran out of the bathroom. Then later that day he went up to my mother and asked her permission to kiss me, and my mother laughed.

While my parents were asleep, that night I lay in the hotel room , exhausted, but wide awake thinking of the events of the past few days, and how could a young man be so driven by his lust. While laying there and looking up at the ceiling I asked the most innocent question with tears in my eyes. "I said, "Jesus, Do you Love Me?" Not too long after I began to get drowsy and remembered being in a place of awake and sleep when I heard a voice say to me "This much" and then I felt my heart began to fill with a feeling that was indescribable and it kept filling and filling and expanding in my chest to the point I thought I was getting a heart attack in my sleep. I fought my mind to wake up while screaming for my mother and when I thought this is it I am going to die I woke up yelling "Mummy!!!!" I looked around the room and there were my parents still sleeping, I said to myself, I was never going to ask that question again and was afraid to close my eyes. The next morning I asked my mom if she heard me scream for her and she said "No". I told her what had happened and she dismissed it as just a dream, but as an adult, and after experiencing God's Love, I look back and know what ever that experience was, it was not just a DREAM.

In palm 103 vs 11, 17 I read

For as high as the Heavens are Above the Earth,
so great is God's Love, for those who fear Him
But from everlasting to everlasting
the Lord's Love is with those who

Jesus showed me a drop of his Love that night, so my question to you is? Who are you? and

"How Deep is your Love?"

Is it my lips, my eyes, hair, feet, perfect teeth, feminine curves, clothes, intellect, car, house, are you lonely, need a mother to take care of you, is it my potential, or your need to satisfy your sexual desires? And when it all fades are you going to still Love ME?


Is it my love for God, my Love for you, my kindness, faithfulness, compassion, gentleness, patience, generosity, friendship, the way I make you laugh and cry, the truth I am not afraid to tell you?

"How Deep, how far, how wide and how high is your Love?"

Can you cherish me ???

How Deep is your Love?