God has the ability to take the broken pieces, the nothingness, the ashes of our life, and transform it into a beauty that shines forth for all to see. His grace is sufficient, his mercy is like the ocean Endless. Don't be afraid to trust HIM.
Proverbs 3:5-8 "Trust in the Lord with all your heart, lean not in your own understanding, but in all your ways acknowledge Him and He will make your path straight. Don't be wise in your own eyes; fear the Lord and shun evil. This will bring health to your body and nourishment to your bones."
God makes our path straight, but we have to give him our brokenness, through prayer, and confession. Let Him know your troubles, and wait patiently for Him. Wait, we are too quick to rush into situations and places where Angels fear to thread, due to the void, the hurt we feel, that only Jesus can fill. God transcends space and time and in the bible it says He knows the end from the beginning, so try not to be wise in your own eyes.
Testimony to the Power of God,
A few months ago I had the privilege to work with the under served population. They were homeless women that visited our free clinic once a week. There was a woman who came because of severe bone pain. In addition she was schizophrenic, with auditory hallucinations, and burst of rage. At night she would drink to dampen the voices which were constantly accusatory.
As a student clinician I did all that was possible, but week after week there was minimal progress. Then for some reason at the end of a session, I said, "Can I pray with you?" She said, "I do not believe in God, but okay." During that prayer I did not see any flash of light or had any activation of the senses, but what I witnessed the following 2 weeks was a miracle. That same woman returned to the clinic and hugged me. She was not hearing voices, her bone pain left, and she had reduced her drinking to one night a week.
Then I saw her look at my neck and asked me about the chain I was wearing. With eager hands and with animation, I swooped it off around my neck and showed it to her. She laughed and said "The eager way you pulled if off I thought it was an engagement ring," and we both laughed.
I said to her this is a ROSARY. It is a meditation of the scriptures by repeating a mantra to Our Lady for her intercession. It was hand made by one of my friends, each bead was made of glass and blessed at St. Patrick Cathedral in New York. She wanted me to teach her how to prayer the Rosary. I could hardly believe it. Wow, what a difference a prayer can make. Many blessing followed after, she was able to get housing, and someone gave her furniture.
I witnessed that day Beauty From Ashes, which was a faith building experience that gave me a security and boldness in Jesus Christ that I never had before. :-)